SMSC Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What should I do if my son/daughter wants to play another sport?

Swimming is a complicated sport. The technical aspects that lead to great technique are better earned with constant exposure than with big breaks. The recommendation from the coaching staff if a young athlete (under 7th grade) wants to to participate in a different sport is GREAT! But while playing soccer or volleyball or whatever, keep coming to swimming on the other days so you don't lose your "feel for the water." Weekly exposure to swimming skills is the best way to maintain that skill for later on. As always, a conversation with your group coach is advisable.


What's the deal with a swim meet every 3-4 weeks? Do I really need to go to them all? 

For the most part, swimming is a year-round sport. Our sport is broken into two seasons. YARDS goes from September 1 through around February. METERS goes from about March 1 through early August. Its our goal at SMSC that every athlete has an opportunity to attend a championship meet to conclude their swim season. Swimming is all about work - work - work = reward. Kind of like life! We work for 3-4 months and then attend a championship meet to figure out where we are at. The meets during the season provide key feedback so that hopefully, you aren't making the same mistakes at the championship meet. Competing on a regular basis is a GREAT way to get faster, get feedback about practice and get used to the pressure of competition.